Pick of Twitter 02/05/15

As I was away in London last weekend visiting a friend and completely not thinking about school, here’s a fortnight’s worth of Twitter picks!

  • @Nat_Numeracy posted a great puzzle using Pythagoras’ theorem for those people who found Cheryl’s birthday too easy. 
  • @PardoeMary posted a link to Visual Patterns, a site with a huge amount of scope for use when teaching sequences.
  • @StudyMaths reminded me how useful the site is for quick practice questions, particularly at this time of year for exam revision!
  • @solvemymaths made some great resources for geometric sequences following my plea for resources for new GCSE topics, and also provided me with a link to Euclid’s Game (warning, it’s addictive!).
  • @DrBennison posted his mathematical journey, which I enjoyed reading very much. I am going to do my own at some point!
  • @mathsjem posted this great joke for this week’s #mathschat on “Funny or Punny Maths”, with a reminder to subscribe to @aap03102’s newsletter. 
  • @mrbartonmaths posted a link to a fantastic BIDMAS murder mystery activity via the TES – I can’t wait to try this one!
  • This cute little rhyme from @CmonMattTHINK:

And finally, I was really pleased and quite humbled to get a mention in @mathsjem’s Gems #28, which also lead me to discover @Stacy_Maths‘s website, Miss Brookes Maths – resource addicts need to check her site out!