A short hiatus…

I’ve been catastrophically bad at blog posts this month. Since Year 11 disappeared, I’ve been full steam ahead on adapting the Mastery Pathway schemes we’ve been using this year, including planning how we will continue this for our current Year 9s into 10. The end of term seems to get more hectic every year, and there’s lots going on at school. I’m working on some supporting materials for our KS3 curriculum, including a website for pupils and redesigning our approach to homework. I’ve also got my wedding coming up next month, so real life is also eating into potential blogging and website maintenance time.

So this is just a quick post to say that normal blogging service will be resumed at some point during the summer holidays – I’m hoping to be able to post lots of new resources and ideas over the summer for teaching in September, as well as sharing a lot of the mastery materials I’ve been working on. Updates will be on Twitter, so watch this space!