Half-term self assessment

Half-term self assessment

End of half term and back to school tomorrow – I’m keeping myself going with the thought that it’s only a really short one until Easter!

What went well:

  • Lots of time to work on my website, upload plenty of new resources and also get our KS3/4 scheme redrafted and finalised.
  • Met plenty of estate agents (and employed one), painted the outside of the house and did more general de-cluttering – exciting times ahead as we’re moving house in the next couple of months!
  • Had some chill time, watched a couple of great movies just on my own. Really enjoyed The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I’d meant to see for ages, but not got round to it.
  • Did all of my #teacher5adaysketches and kept up with the blogging challenge (only eight more posts to go!).

Even better if:

  • The Year 9 books I brought home last Friday have sat in the car all week… they are not going to get marked today, so that’s my PPA time gone tomorrow.
  • Did not go out for a walk or a jog once during my week off. Oops!
  • Still haven’t thought of a theme for my final week’s worth of posts.

​(Image credit: By Adam Diaz – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, commons.wikimedia.org/w/index….)