Maths puzzles galore!

Just a quickie tonight to share the love for a few maths puzzle booklets I’ve found kicking around on the Internet. I’m not sure where they’ve come from originally, but here are the links:

Maths Practice Puzzles : Fractions and Decimals

  • Equivalent fractions 
  • Comparing and ordering fractions 
  • LCD and simplifying fractions
  • Addition and subtraction (like denominators)
  • Addition and subtraction (unlike denominators) 
  • Multiplication and division of fractions
  • Decimal addition and subtraction 
  • Decimal multiplication and division

Forty Fun-Tabulous Puzzles

  • Four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  • Order of operations
  • Simple fractions work
  • Decimals
  • Time

Amazing Math Puzzles and Mazes

  • Basic operations
  • Place value
  • Primes
  • Divisibility / factors and multiples
  • Powers / exponents
  • All fractions topics
  • Decimals to fractions
  • All decimal calculations
  • Percentages
  • Negative numbers

There’s a great selection of cross-numbers, riddles, mazes and other general puzzles that spice up basic practice a little more than a generic worksheet. I’ve used some of these to support our work on numeracy in tutor time across the school, and also for end-of-term puzzle races.