My classroom (after)

My classroom (after)

After blogging about the state of my classroom last week, I spent a bit of time during our training day on Monday putting up some new displays along one wall. It’s now looking much nicer, and wall number two is coming on nicely. 

“Change your words, change your mindset” display from @c0mplexnumber – I’ve already referred to this quite a lot this week.
My Mastery Pathway display, along with motivational posters and images found through Google Search.
Maths Propaganda posters from @mr_g_walton and my Exam Command words posters.

It’s a quick blog tonight, as I’m worn out and have lots of planning to do tomorrow. However, I really was starting to feel blogging withdrawal symptoms; I’ve spent this week thinking “ooh, I must blog about that… and that…” so there might be more posts coming over the weekend.