How to bend space and time – Twuffer

How to bend space and time – Twuffer

You know those people that seem to post all the time on Twitter? I’ve discovered their secret – for me, it was a bit of a necessity if I’m going to manage the #summerblogchallenge, as I got married yesterday and currently have a houseful of people continuing the celebrations until at least Saturday**.

It’s a handy little site called Twuffer – you sign up for free with your Twitter account, then simply schedule a Tweet in advance. If you want to schedule a link to a blog post that’s not live yet (as I’ve been doing), you might need a little jiggery-pokery with the url of your post, but it’s fairly simple to work out.

If you’re a Twitter-a-holic, it’s worth having a play with. I’m determined not to get too spammy with it though – there’s nothing worse than seeing the same Tweet five times in a week!** I actually wrote this post about a week before the wedding – it may be that everyone’s had enough and gone home. I’ll let you know in a week… or tomorrow… or something. This time travel shiz is confusing.