(Almost) falling at the final hurdle

…or how I nearly didn’t complete the summer blog challenge

Despite managing to blog through my wedding, honeymoon and holiday, this final post in the blog challenge is nearly the one I failed on. It’s going to be a short post tonight, as I’m trying to write this on my phone due to the fact that my computer has picked today of all days to give up completely.

Luckily the internal hard drive is fine and now connected to my husband’s PC dumping all my teaching resources onto an external drive; I suspect fried motherboard which means I’ll be spending the first few days of the new school year mucking around inside a computer case – fun times (!). However, I’m super thankful that my files are fine – I really had a massive stress when I thought I might have lost a significant amount of resources I don’t have backed up elsewhere.

I’d planned to write a full-on reflective piece and make a few blogging resolutions for the new school year, but I really can’t stand trying to do that without a proper keyboard, so you’re getting a shorter version.

First of all, whether you’ve stuck with the whole challenge or just a few posts, thanks for taking the time to click, read and comment. I’d happily blog away to no-one, but it’s always great to get feedback from people who’ve found the posts or site useful.

I’m very much looking forward to not having to blog every single day, but I’m going to try and keep up with more frequent blogging this year. I’m planning to keep on with the Picks of Twitter and reinstate blogging about my favourite lesson of the week.

I’ve had a lot of fun doing this challenge, and it’s kept me thinking about teaching and work over the holidays – I don’t mean that I’ve not switched off at any point, but the prospect of returning to work tomorrow doesn’t feel like such a shock to the system as it usually is at the end of the six (seven) weeks.

I’ll sign off on the summer blog challenge, with the promise that I’ll stop flooding Twitter with a post a day now… at least until next year!