I’m back!

Due to the fact that our cruise line wanted to charge nearly £120 per day for the privilege of unlimited Wi-Fi, I’ve been without Internet for most of the last week. It’s been incredibly relaxing, but I do feel like I’ve missed a lot on Twitter – I had far too many notifications when I logged in yesterday, and I have a lot of reading to catch up on with all the other #summerblogchallenge posts. I’ve also gained about thirty new followers this week through tweeting absolutely nothing, which might suggest that I do better when I keep my mouth shut…

I’ve now managed to post all of the photos from my challenge; here’s a quick index:

  1. Infinite mirrors
  2. Archways
  3. Set with playing cards
  4. It’s all Greek to me
  5. Tiling patterns
  6. Triangular bridge
  7. More arches in Ancona

I’ve still not completely crossed anything off my #summer10 list, although I have partially achieved 6 and 8. I’m actually managing to add more stuff, such as exploring Facebook for teaching after seeing @MathedUp’s tweet about it earlier.

I attempted to work through the seven days of Twitter I missed, then gave up and assumed that anything really groundbreaking will reappear in time. One thing I did spot, however, is Jo’s #mathsgems hashtag, where she’ll be posting a few ideas each day throughout August – a great idea for getting the planning juices flowing again! Blogging resuming as usual tomorrow… for now, I’ve got over a thousand more (personal) photos to work my way through!