My classroom (before)

I’m finally resigning myself to the fact that the end of the holidays is nigh and decided to pop into school this morning. I asked for my classroom to be moved round during the holidays, changing the room from having the boards on a short wall to a long wall, so I wanted to suss this out, and also to remind myself about any display work that needs sorting out before the pupils return next Tuesday.

I had to take quite a lot of stuff down, which will all need to go back up again (sigh), so there are a lot of blank walls at the moment! Stay tuned for the “after” post next week sometime…

Front of the room with new board configuration, door to my storeroom and some pretty paper folding! The whole of the front wall is usually covered in helpful tips and pupils’ work, but I’ve left it off for painting.
My “Farms” display – I do the perimeter/area challenge at the end of the year with KS3 groups. I need to add some explanatory posters and notes in the blank bits!
My “Mathematical Patterns” display also in development – I’ve collected the Rangolis over the years and was planning to do a large Sierpinski triangle in the middle. I only realised when I got home that the gap in in a different place at the top and bottom!
A big blank board to fill with… something. I did get round to putting up the rest of the paper folding work I’ve had stored for the last two years though – I do this during activity week while most of Year 7 are at camp.
My rather depleted washing line! This needs adding to over the course of the year.
Nicely organised “library” in my storeroom – this was a major job!
Leftover exam papers and revision booklets all stored neatly away.