My #summer10

I mentioned a while ago that I was going to do a #summer10 post at some point; despite the fact that I’m two weeks into my holiday, I’ve pretty much been living and breathing wedding plans and celebrations for most of those, and I realised this morning that I still have nearly five weeks of holiday left, which is incredibly exciting. So here’s my #summer10, the ten things I’d like to achieve in the holiday I have left…

  1. Finish tweaking my schemes of work for next year and share the resources and schemes online.
  2. Complete or add to some more pages on the Resources section of the site, particularly for topics new to GCSE or those that have shifted tiers.
  3. Go into school and sort out my classroom – I’m very excited about getting a much larger whiteboard and having my interactive board shifted to a better place, but this means I’ll need to go in and sort displays and things out again.
  4. Revise FP1 so I can teach without making a complete hash of it this year.
  5. Complete the #summerblogchallenge – I’m exactly one third of the way there now!
  6. Switch off long enough to really enjoy both my honeymoon and a couple of festivals we have booked.
  7. Find some time to paint and make some more goodies for my craft stall at one of the above festivals.
  8. Make a scrapbook for my wedding photos and keepsakes.
  9. Do the odd bit of DIY – this is the thing that’s least likely to be achieved.
  10. Finally, make sure I go back to school in September with a tidy, organised house and classroom, and try to keep it that way until at least October half term!