This evening, I have mostly been…

This evening, I have mostly been…

Putting the kettle on.
Reading random education news articles, getting cross and closing them halfway through.
Organising several appointments with estate agents, solicitors and dentists.
Checking my emails.
Ringing an old colleague for a chat.
Actually doing some washing up even though we still have clean plates.
Scrolling through the #mathschat hashtag on Twitter.
Typing the first few words of a blog, then deleting them again.
Investigating “interesting mathematical dates” – there’s nothing great this year, but I enjoyed 08/02/16. 04/04/16 is quite pleasant too.
Napping – because I’m always tired at the moment.
Annoyed that I can’t be bothered to make a new resource to blog about.
Idling away the time by watching a couple of episodes of “The 100” – enjoying very much.
Not doing anything even slightly meaningful with my evening!
Glad that I’ve somehow managed to turn my brain mush into something resembling a blog post.

(Normal service resuming tomorrow)

​Image credit: By Alexandre Normand from San Francisco, United States – Procrastination (No Wall Uncovered VII), CC BY 2.0,….