Flash Maths

Just a quick post to say I’ve just found an excellent site for quick starters and practice – Flash Maths is chock full of Flash applications for generating questions on loads of different topics. A five-minute poke-around unearthed these little gems:

Equation Roulette: Generates linear equations up to old NC level 7. The buttons at the top can be used to select a level of difficulty, or the spinner can be used to generate a random problem. I can see lots of scope for using this as a quick revision tool.

Substitution Grids: Another great quick activity, this time for algebraic substitution. I particularly like the ability to change the difficulty of the problems, by including negatives, decimals and making the algebraic expressions easier. I frequently make algebraic substitution grid puzzles similar to this as quick starters, but I’m really looking forward to trying this interactive timesaver.

Dice Target
Countdown-type activity for practising addition and probability. I can see some lovely discussions about strategies developed by students coming out of this.